自 2019 年末 UFC 245 擊敗 Max Holloway 成為 featherweight champion 之後,Alexander Volkanovski 已成功完成四次 title defense,除了Conor McGregor 以外的前羽量級冠軍皆成為其拳下亡魂、無一倖免。
狹著肅清量級之絕對統治力,Alexander Volkanovski 決定升重至 lightweight,在挑戰自我的同時向雙冠發起衝鋒,試圖進一步提昇自己的歷史地位、締造史詩。
於是乎,UFC 284 的 main event 就此敲定,champ vs. champ。
Alexander Volkanovski 的對手是甫於 UFC 280 以摧枯拉朽之姿 knockdown 並降伏戰勝 Charles Oliveira 的 lightweight champion Islam Makhachev。考量到 Islam Makhachev 近幾場對戰一面倒的表現、輔以對手是升量級前來挑戰等因素,時任 lightweight champ 無疑是較被看好的一方,他也順理成章的成為賠率 favorite,將 UFC 生涯取得賠率領先的紀錄推進至連續十四場,Alexander Volkanovski 則以 underdog 的身分出擊。
在比賽當晚,盱衡各方賽前預測與選手實際表現,Alexander Volkanovski 無疑是令人驚豔的一方。不僅 total strikes 以 164-95 取得巨幅優勢、significant strikes 亦以 70-57 取得領先、打出了全場唯一的 knockdown,更在 wrestling 方面展現抗衡能力,使 Islam Makhachev 全場沒有任何 submission attempt。
然而,縱使在 significant strikes 方面 Alexander Volkanovski 有三回合多於對手、一回合平手,Islam Makhachev 九度嘗試四度成功 takedown 與長達 7 分 37 秒的 control time 仍成為勝負分水嶺(Alexander Volkanovski 的四次 takedown attempt 均未兌現、control time 則為 2 分 55 秒)。
綜觀裁判評分,三位裁判一致將 Round 1, Round 2, Round 4 判予 Islam Makhachev、Round 5 由 Alexander Volkanovski 斬獲,而 Round 3 部分裁判 Derek Cleary 認為前者表現較佳、另外二位裁判 Ben Cartlidge 與David Lethaby 則認為後者取得優勢。因此,Islam Makhachev 以 48-47, 48-47, 49-46 的比分取得 unanimous decision 判定勝。
當判決已出、勝負已定,想要更改賽果的機會便微乎其微;如此精彩的比賽幾無可能是 match-fixing,我也不認為任何一方會有 positive drug tests 之情況,但即便如此,這場比賽的判決比分依然引來廣泛討論。與大部分 commentator 和觀眾對於 Round 2~4 之判分有所質疑不同,我更著重於 Round 5 比分之探討,亦即 10-8 比分出現之可能性。
根據 Association of Boxing Commissions and Combative Sports 所公告之 Committee Report on Unified Rules for MMA (SUMMARY REPORT - Discussion and Review of UNIFIED RULES OF MIXED MARTIAL ARTS) 一文中之 Scoring 部分對 10-Point Must Scoring System 的評分準則進行概述。單回合得分可分為 10-10 Round, 10-9 Round, 10-8 Round, 10-7 Rounds 四種,而本文摘錄較常見之 10-9 Round, 10-8 Round 條列如下:
2. A round is to be scored as a 10-9 Round when a contestant wins by a close margin, landing the greater number of effective legal strikes, grappling and other maneuvers;
3. A round is to be scored as a 10-8 Round when a contestant overwhelmingly dominates by striking or grappling in a round.
因此,筆者決定再引用同一協會之 Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts 文章,其對於 10-Point Must Scoring System 之評分參考依據有更加詳盡與縝密之解釋,引用於下方。
10–9 Round
“A 10 – 9 Round in MMA is where one combatant wins the round by a close margin.” A 10 – 9 round in MMA is the most common score a judge assesses(評定) during the night. If, during the round, the judge sees a fighter land the better strikes, or utilize effective grappling during the competition, even if by just one technique over their opponent, the judge shall give the winning fighter a score of 10 while assessing the losing fighter a score of 9 or less. It is imperative(極重要的) that judges understand that a score of 9 is not an automatic numerical score given to the losing fighter of the round. The judge must consider: Was the fighter engaged in offensive actions during the round? Did the losing fighter compete with an attitude of attempting to win the fight, or just to survive the offensive actions of their opponent? A score of 10 – 9 can reflect an extremely close round or a round of marginal(微小的) domination and/or impact.
10–8 Round
A 10 – 8 Round in MMA is where one fighter wins the round by a large margin. A 10 – 8 round in MMA is not the most common score a judge will render(給予、提供), but it is absolutely essential to the evolution of the sport and the fairness to the fighters that judges understand and effectively utilize the score of 10 – 8. A score of 10 – 8 does not require a fighter to dominate their opponent for 5 minutes of a round. The score of 10 – 8 is utilized by the judge when the judge sees verifiable(可證實的) actions on the part of either fighter. Judges shall ALWAYS give a score of 10 – 8 when the judge has established that one fighter has dominated the action of the round, had duration of the domination and also impacted their opponent with either effective strikes or effective grappling maneuvers that have diminished(減少) the abilities of their opponent. Judges must CONSIDER giving the score of 10 – 8 when a fighter shows dominance in the round even though no impactful scoring against the opponent was achieved. MMA is an offensive based sport. No scoring is given for defensive maneuvers. Using smart, tactically(策略性地) sound defensive maneuvers allows the fighter to stay in the fight and to be competitive. Dominance of a round can be seen in striking when the losing fighter continually attempts to defend, with no counters or reaction taken when openings present themselves. Dominance in the grappling phase can be seen by fighters taking DOMINANT POSITIONS in the fight and utilizing those positions to attempt fight ending submissions or attacks. If a fighter has little to no offensive output during a 5 minute round, it should be normal for the judge to consider awarding the losing fighter 8 points instead of 9. Judges must CONSIDER giving the score of 10 – 8 when a fighter IMPACTS their opponent significantly in a round even though they do not dominate the action. Effectiveness in striking or grappling which leads to a diminishing of a fighter’s energy, confidence, abilities and spirit. All of these come as a direct result of negative impact. When a fighter is hurt with strikes, showing a lack of control or ability, these can be defining moments in the fight. If a judge sees that a fighter has been significantly damaged in the round the judge should CONSIDER the score of 10 – 8.
相信在上方的文字敘述後讀者已經對於 10-9 Round 和 10-8 Round 有初步之認知,但筆者認為行文至此,只有純粹的文字敘述便欲提出進一步之見解,說服力過於單薄。就如學習法律條文時會佐以實際案例、實務見解、判例(已於民國109年廢除)、最高法院大法庭裁定(XXX年度台上大字第YYYY號)來加強理解、提昇活用能力,UFC 比分評定方面亦為如此。
在參考相關案例方面,由於裁判界亦可能有良莠不齊之情況,又考量到 Alexander Volkanovski vs. Islam Makhachev 為 UFC 284 之 main event,選擇同層級之賽事應較為公允。綜觀近三場打到判定的 pay-per-view (PPV) main event,皆有出現裁判給出 10-8 比分之情況、共計四回合,茲分述如下:
I. UFC 283 Jamahal Hill vs. Glover Teixeira - Round 4 (10-8, 10-8, 10-8)
這是前述出現 10-8 的四個回合中,唯一三位裁判皆評定為 10-8 的回合,具高度參考價值。本回合並沒有出現任何 takedown, submission attempt, knockdown;而在 total strikes 方面 Jamahal Hill 以 79-18 領先(+61、比值 4.39)、significant strikes 方面 Jamahal Hill 亦以 79-18 領先(+61、比值 4.39)。
II. UFC 282: Magomed Ankalaev vs Jan Błachowicz - Round 5 (10-8, 10-8, 10-9)
本回合有兩位裁判評定 10-8,同樣沒有出現任何成功的 takedown, submission attempt, knockdown、僅有 Magomed Ankalaev 一次失敗的 takedown 嘗試;而在 total strikes 方面 Magomed Ankalaev 以 54-13 領先(+41、比值 4.15)、significant strikes 方面 Magomed Ankalaev 更以 18-0 全面壓制。
III. UFC 277: Amanda Nunes vs Julianna Peña - Round 2 (10-8, 10-8, 10-9)
本回合取得了兩位裁判 10-8 的評分,依然沒有出現任何 takedown, submission attempt;意外的是在 total strikes 方面 Amanda Nunes 以 24-31 落後(-7、比值 0.77)、significant strikes 方面 Amanda Nunes 仍舊以 19-25 遜於對手(-6、比值 0.76),但憑藉三度成功 knockdowns 取得了兩位裁判 10-8 的比分。由此可知,knockdown 對於裁判評分影響甚鉅。
IV. UFC 277: Amanda Nunes vs Julianna Peña - Round 5 (10-9, 10-9, 10-8)
本回合僅僅有一位裁判予以 10-8 之比分,故參考價值較低。本回合 Amanda Nunes 在三次 takedown attempts 中成功兌現兩次、另有一次 submission attempt,total strikes 方面 Amanda Nunes 以 20-14 領先(+6、比值 1.43)、significant strikes 方面 Amanda Nunes 亦以 11-4 領先(+7、比值 2.75)。
再讓我們回顧一下 UFC 284 Alexander Volkanovski vs. Islam Makhachev 的 Round 5:本回合沒有出現任何 takedown, submission attempt;但在 total strikes 方面 Alexander Volkanovski 以 52-8 領先(+44、比值 6.5)、significant strikes 方面 Alexander Volkanovski 亦以 20-8 領先(+12、比值 2.5),除此之外還有一次 knockdown。
在 total strikes 方面 Alexander Volkanovski 壓制對手的表現並不亞於上述任何一場,而significant strikes 的數據即便未達輾壓之層次,透過擊出 knockdown 的增益效果補償也達到了兩位裁判給出 10-8 的等級!
盱衡上述,Alexander Volkanovski 在 Round 5 之表現應有二至三位裁判給出 10-8 之評分,而五回合總分便會改寫為 47-47, 47-47, 46-(49 or 48),majority draw 雙方握手言和。
關於 10-8 比分之出現時機,還需要更明確的標準、需要被更確實的執行;因為,一分之差,將產生迥然不同之結果,而一次不同的結果,便會使選手雙方導向大相逕庭之人生行旅,不可不慎!
當然,我們也要感謝 Alexander Volkanovski 與 Islam Makhachev 打出如此精彩的一場比賽,他們激盪的火花閃耀無比!
〈寫在 UFC 284 賽後:關於 10-8 比分之出現時機與探討 〉 . 感謝 Alexander Volkanovski 與 Islam Makhachev 打出如此精彩的一場比賽,但關於Round...
由 Grand Master's Column 特級大師專欄發佈於 2023年2月15日 星期三
〈你必須相信奇蹟 ── UFC 269 Julianna Peña def. Amanda Nunes〉